PlayerState "CopyProperties Override" How Does It Work?

I am having a hard time figuring out how to use CopyProperties Override. After doing a bit of research I’ve determined the best place to store “attributes” for the character is in PlayerState, that way it persists across all levels. Which is only possible if you use the CopyProperties Override.

Now the only documentation I have found cover C++, which is useless to me because I am using Blueprints. How would I setup the CopyProperties Override in blueprints to carry my variables from map to map?

Any input is appreciated!


Apparently, it was recently exposed in Blueprints in 4.14. Hopefully this helps :slight_smile:

I’ve actually read that post. I already knew about the CopyProperties Override, that is why I posted this question. how do I execute the override? I already have the Node available found under Function Overrides, but I want to know what logic should be executed after it. It returns a “New PlayerState”.

Thank you for your reply!

Ah, Gotcha. The best way to make it persistent would probably be to store it in your game mode since it’s uniform across all levels, in most cases. Create a reference to the player state in your game mode, plug the new player state into a set node for this variable after casting directly to it and using get game mode as it’s object of reference and it should set the variable within game mode accordingly. Give it a shot and see if that works out for your purposes.

Yes that would work, but then I wouldn’t be utilizing the CopyProperties Override… I would just be setting the variable from another BP…

Did you find out how to use this? I am currently trying to implement it too.