Unchecked some plugins, now cannot open project.

In an attempt to reduce file size, I read online that some plugins that were not being used in the project could be disabled in order to not include them in finalized builds.

As such, my project does not have any online components, so I disabled a couple of plugins relating to online that I felt like would not interfere with the project, such as Paper2D and a messaging plugin or two.

But it turns out I must have disabled something important, namely the “OnlineSubsystemUtils” plugin, as my current error box calls it.

tl;dr - I disabled some plugins, now engine won’t launch project without shutting down with the error below.

Plugin 'OnlineSubsystemUtils' failed to load because module
'OnlineSubsystemUtils' could not be loaded. There may be an operating system
error or the module may not be properly set up.

Is there any way to fix this? Any way to reset to the default plugins?? I just finished my project, too…