UE 4.14 Distributing for MAC App Store

Hello, I am new to UE development and I am planning to distribute for Mac OS (not iOS!)
I can not find anything about this besides this post UDK | DistributionAppleMac
but it looks outdated for since it uses - UE3.

My Question if it is still possible to submit UE 4.14 game to Mac App Store and what would be the Flow ?

P.S. I have a Mac - developer account with certificates and all the needed Apple stuff for this.

In packaged app I couldn’t find a Sandbox entitlements file - is it something in my settings or I should make 1 manually ?


We support packaging for Mac therefore, you should be able to distribute your games to the App Store for Mac. Please follow the information on the [Apple Website][1] for further assistance.


Distributing software on macOS - Apple Developer

Here is some documentation from our [forums][1] regarding setting up the Sandbox Environment. I’ve also included some documentation from Apple for their [Sandbox Environment][2]. I’d suggest checking that out too.

These links should get you on the right track for setting up a project on Mac and testing with the Sandbox Environment.

Let me know if you run into any additional troubles.

[2]: Sandbox Testing - Apple Pay - Apple Developer

Hi, thank you very much!