Smoothly Blend/Interpolate between two animations

Hi guys

Here is a short video that shows you the problem I am trying to work through: Unreal Engine 4 - Blending Animations - YouTube

What is the best way to “blend” or “interpolate” between the two animations? I can’t key frame it, because transition can occur at any point. I considered using slots, but that doesn’t seem to work either. I have similar issue with other animations “not quite joining up”. What’s the best way to manage smooth transition between these animations?


Using slots should do the trick, are you certain you used them correctly?

I could be mistaken, but so far, I’ve used the slots to “isolate” animations to only apply to specific parts of the body. I don’t want to do this here because there is so much in that attack animation that really adds value. The gut swings from side to side, the knees bend. I currently use “upper body” slot on my main character, but that doesn’t work here because most of the jarring is also on the upper body. I could isolate it to the swing arm only, but then I would be missing 80% of “goodness” in the animation.

Hi Nick! i `ve got the same problem. Have you solved it? Please share your solution.