Connect widget with actor blueprint

Hello, I am trying to connect a widget with a blueprint actor, I have followed several tutorials but I can not activate the connection. I added two dispatchers and created their calls in the widget. Attached screenshots of both. I would appreciate some help, thanks guys.

Inside the actor or level blueprint where you create the widget you should have something like this:

The white line represent the order of execution and in your blueprint it just goes from begin play to create widget and then it stops. The bind nodes never get executed.
Also I think you meant to execute the timeline nodes on the events, not immediately after binding. So disconnect “dia” from “bind to sunday” and connect “sunday” (the red node) with “dia” (timeline node). Same for " nightday"


Thank you very much, I made the mistake of not loading the widget in “create new widget”, for that reason I could not load the bind event. But I still can not activate the events with the two buttons from the widget. I used “event begin” and “event tick” but it still does not work.

Still not working. I’ve designed it like you said, even the “print text” (I do not need it) will not run either.

If I add it right after the “create widget” it creates an error

Yes, I have noticed. It has happened to me several times: D … but still not working. Now the problem is that all the widgets are loaded on top of each other …

Aha, I see that we are creating a widget but that widget should not be created until we hit the corresponding buttons.

You didn’t add the widget to viewport. After creating it use the “Add to viewport” node.

That’s probably because you didn’t connect the result from the “Create…” node to the input needed for the “Add to viewport” node. :slight_smile: Drag from the blue dot at the right of the “Create…” node to the left blue small circle of the “Add to viewport” node. :slight_smile:


Well, I see you are creating “Opciones Pantalla” two times: once on right click and once inside “SunSystem” on “Event BeginPlay”.
You should probably create the widget only once, on begin play, inside player character and keep a reference to it. Add it to the viewport, but set visibility to hidden. When the player right clicks, make it visible. When he pressed a button, hide it again, don’t remove it from the viewport :slight_smile:

Like I explained in my previous comment, you are creating the widget 2 times and you only bind the events for one of them. The one you are creating on right click is not binded:

So I have it now. And I explain:
When Pulse right click on the blueprint of the character, this creates a widget that include the buttons that run the actor that is a day / night system, one is for day and the other for night.

At this moment it starts already paused and with the active widget when I have not yet pressed right button.

Any ideas?

Perfect, that was it, thank you.
This part seems to go well already, but the timeline does not run. I am actually seeing that I only need a timeline because I could use its play and reverse options, they are the only two positions that I need but it still does not work. The printing of texts are not shown either.

Yes but I am interested in loading the widget from the character, not from the actor. I have set a set visibility hidden in the actor and the widget works, but when calling from the open widget to the actor this does not work. I do not know if I explain it correctly, I know it’s stupid but my brain is broken: D

So it is now But, the bind events are not working. Any ideas?

Does anyone know the solution? Please help

SOLVED … in part. The sun runs through the buttons.
I added a few nodes to control the skylight because at night, although no sun, everything is still illuminated but these are not working. Everything else, if someone wants to use it, works correctly. If anyone sees a solution I would be grateful.

I do not know if all this leads me to something, as I’m using it for an interactive scene from Archviz, I might not find the right light quality with this system.