Adding a trigger to a class blueprint

I’m building a game that drops chests randomly in a level. Since I have no idea where these will spawn, I wanted to add a trigger to the class blueprint that the mesh resides in to run an animation to open the lid of the chest. I can’t add the triggers into the level because of the random spawn. Is this something beyond what class blueprints can do?

No, you can add trigger volumes to the components of the chest blueprint and set events for on begin overlap etc…

In the components section, add component- shapes- box, capsule, sphere. Once you’ve added one you can set events for it, the node will appear in the eventgraph.

Hi Capt Underoo,

Like RobbieCooper said you can add a box component that acts as a trigger within the components section of your blueprint. This tutorial has a door that is triggered to open, you can see how to add a trigger to your object that way. It’s about 1/4 of the way down the page.

If you still need assistance feel free to ask!

Thank you!
