iOS distribution package fail 4.13++

i know that this report is a duplicate question.

But this problem still exist even 4.15 source version branch.

There isn’t commit that is related to resolve missing provisioning flag when distribution packaging.

It’s been almost a month since posted the bug report, and It not seem to resolve or review.

I report one more time for remind this problem.

related forum, answerhub

[4.13.1 iOS Provision not found despite being valid - Mobile - Epic Developer Community Forums][1]

[iOS Distribution Packaging Fails with 4.13 - Mobile - Epic Developer Community Forums][2]

[tvOS package for distribution fails to find valid certificate and valid provision [UE-39501] [Workaround] - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums][3] (it’s tvOS , similar problem…)

[Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-39501)][4] (tvOS , similar problem)

4.13.1 iOS Provision not found despite being valid - Mobile - Epic Developer Community Forums
[2]: iOS Distribution Packaging Fails with 4.13 - Mobile - Epic Developer Community Forums
[3]: tvOS package for distribution fails to find valid certificate and valid provision [UE-39501] [Workaround] - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums
[4]: http://


The API had a misspelling in it, which was resolved for 4.14. If you could post additional information about exactly what you’re seeing. Do you have screenshots on how you’ve set up your iOS provisions? Did the same set up work in 4.12?

Have you looked over [this AnswerHub][1] yet?


4.13.1 iOS Provision not found despite being valid - Mobile - Epic Developer Community Forums

check this video.

record iOS ‘disribution’ package process. (when fail, and how to success)

testing with latest UE Master branch git source.

4.16 isn’t released. The master branch is not to be used for distribution. Please use a released version of the engine to test your iOS distribution packaging issue on.

Thank you.


surely it was release veriosn(4.13.2, 4.14.3) engine.

Why did testing with 4.16?

Because this problem isn’t fixed even in the latest version.

Remove ALL provisions and ALL certificates from the engine. Once you’ve done that, only add the ones that you need back. Make sure that they match one another otherwise you’re going to run into an issue.

Well… I think biggest problem is IPhonePackager.exe run without ‘-distiribution’ when developer select ‘package option = distribution’ on Unreal Editor(actually stored in project’s .ini)

then… IPhonePackager.exe only search development provisioning & certificate whether [distribution : true] or not.

so, IPhonePackager.exe ‘must’ return false to Unreal engine Editor.

Remove ALL provisions and ALL certificates from the engine

this mean remove all provisioning except one?

mac system’s provisioning store in [~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/].

will try this soon…

I would remove all of the provisions, and then recreate a new provision and and make sure they match up appropriately for the project you’re working with.

Are you packaging by going to File > Package Project > iOS after setting to distribution? Make sure you have a distribution provision and certificate in the editor.



![alt text][6]

  • provisioning seems to wrong?

NEVER. (Build & Run success pure obj-c ios application with xcode 8 )

Can you try a blank project in 4.15 preview 1 to see if you’re experiencing the same issue? It might be due to undeclared identifier errors from UE-38950.


4.15 pv 1 also can’t package distribution ios

As far as I know, there is n.o.t.h.i.n.g change(commit) related to this problem.

UE-38950 is a bug in where we’re failing to package for iOS or TVOS. This is occurring on both Mac and Windows machines however it was caught in 4.15 while testing. Are you seeing the following error (or similar) in your logs?

error: use of undeclared identifier 'FScopeLock'

If so, this issue should be corrected once changelist 3207659 has been integrated into our 4.15 release build.

If you’re on a git version later than that build, please upload your full error output logs.

I have verified that I am not having any trouble while packaging for distribution on iOS. I am using a blueprint only project.

Please double check that you have 100% accurately created your provisions and certificates.

[iOS Documentation][1]

Setting Up an Unreal Engine Project for iOS | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

I found solve (avoid…) way on release version.

Prepare both distribution and development provisioning/certificates on same bundle ID. ( I was only have distribution. )

then Do distribution package.

iPhonepackage.exe will check only development’s.

this time prepared development’s help to pass

and start to complie and cook with ‘distribution provi/certi’.

Conversely, when Prepare only distribution’s , wouldn’t package forever until adding -distribution flag checking with iphonepackage.exe.

could you understand what I said?..

Still… there is bug, and there is some way to avoid ,also there is way to fix problem.

I update comment on my pull request (#2889).