Slate Style Error

Hey, so I’ve been trying to make my own Slate widget recently by basically replicating the process done in the StrategyGame example. However, despite following pretty much everything correctly, the editor crashes every time I try to open my project. So I ran a debug within Visual Studio, and it came up with this error:

Assertion failed: IsValid() [File:C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.13\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Templates\SharedPointer.h] [Line: 769]

With the breakpoint being on this function:

const ISlateStyle& FTextBoxStyles::Get()
return *TextBoxStyleInstance;

Which, obviously, means that the pointer is invalid. However, I initialize it in the game module, just like the StrategyGame example does:

//Custom implementation of the Default Game Module.
class FLiberaMeGameModule : public FDefaultGameModuleImpl
//Called at startup. Unregisters any Style Sets that share the name of our Style Set, and then initialize said Style Set.
virtual void StartupModule() override

//Called whenever the module is shutting down. Unregisters our Style Set and shuts down the module.
virtual void ShutdownModule() override

IMPLEMENT_PRIMARY_GAME_MODULE( FLiberaMeGameModule, Libera_Me, “Libera_Me” );

So I’m not sure why the pointer would be invalid, since everything else follows the exact code from the StrategyGame example or code from the engine source itself.