Graphics settings not working in-game?

There’s something going wrong when I try to play my game as either Stand Alone or a packaged project. I’ve set the game to use Desktop settings at Max quality and using the Advanced settings next to the Play button, I’ve set the game to launch at a resolution of 1080P but when I launch the game, it doesn’t use the resolution nor the graphics settings that I specified.

Here’s a screenshot showing the issue with regards to the foliage mesh I’m using for my grass:

I’ve even checked the ini file settings and they’re set to launch in 1080p and full quality but it doesn’t work. The game launches windowed at a lower resolution. I created a menu button to set the resolution to 1080P Full Screen which works, but the resolution on the grass is still not working.

Also, when I check my game settings on Steam in the “steamapps\common\GameName\GameName\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor” directory, all of the ini files are either blank or mostly blank. I don’t know why that is.

Anyone have any idea as to why this might be happening?