No puedo empaquetar

Me da este error y no se como solucionarlo
LogBlueprint:Warning: Node ‘/Game/Architecture/Eletronics/TV_Sony/Chega_de_Saudade_-piano_solo_Cue.Chega_de_Saudade-piano_solo_Cue:SoundCueGraph_10.SoundCueGraphNode_12’ missing NodeGuid because of upgrade from old package version, this can cause deterministic cooking issues please resave package.
LogBlueprint:Warning: Node '/Game/Architecture/Eletronics/TV_Sony/Chega_de_Saudade
-piano_solo_Cue.Chega_de_Saudade-piano_solo_Cue:SoundCueGraph_10.SoundCueGraphNode_13’ missing NodeGuid because of upgrade from old package version, this can cause deterministic cooking issues please resave package.
LogBlueprint:Warning: Node '/Game/Architecture/Eletronics/TV_Sony/Chega_de_Saudade
-piano_solo_Cue.Chega_de_Saudade-_piano_solo_Cue:SoundCueGraph_10.SoundCueGraphNode_Root_10’ missing NodeGuid because of upgrade from old package version, this can cause deterministic cooking issues please resave package.
LogBlueprint:Warning: Node ‘/Game/Architecture/Doors/Audio/Door_Close_02_Cue.Door_Close_02_Cue:SoundCueGraph_14.SoundCueGraphNode_14’ missing NodeGuid because of upgrade from old package version, this can cause deterministic cooking issues please resave package.
LogBlueprint:Warning: Node ‘/Game/Architecture/Doors/Audio/Door_Close_02_Cue.Door_Close_02_Cue:SoundCueGraph_14.SoundCueGraphNode_15’ missing NodeGuid because of upgrade from old package version, this can cause deterministic cooking issues please resave package.
LogBlueprint:Warning: Node ‘/Game/Architecture/Doors/Audio/Door_Close_02_Cue.Door_Close_02_Cue:SoundCueGraph_14.SoundCueGraphNode_Root_14’ missing NodeGuid because of upgrade from old package version, this can cause deterministic cooking issues please resave package.
LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Error al encontrar el objeto ‘Class Ninguno.’
LogDesktopPlatform:Warning: Error reading results of folder dialog.


Please delete your Intermediate and Saved folders from your project folder. If that does not resolve the issues, please upload your full error output log as a .txt file.

Thank you!

hola , gracias por tu respuesta pero todavia no puedo empaquetar el proyecto.
te adjunto el log.txt[link text][1]

120894-cook-2017.01.05-09.08.52.txt (1.22 MB)

i delete intermediate and saved folders but is not solution

Please , can you help me? i have a big plroblem if i can´t package the work

Hi , I discovered that when I try to delete one of the objects from the kitdemo library the Unreal Engine program goes off and gives me an error. Could that be the problem?

Podria ser que el error fuera este?[2017.01.05-08.08.49:171][ 0]LogInit:Display: CookResults:Error: Error Couldn’t save package, filename is too long: F:/trabajos/2016//proyecto_unreal_2/RealisticRendering/RealisticRendering/Content/GTFreeMaterials/Textures/wood_JFfantasyWoodPlanksNailedClean/wood_JFfantasyWoodPlanksNailedClean_2k_mask.uasset
[2017.01.05-08.08.49:180][ 0]LogInit:Display: LogCook:Error: Couldn’t save package, filename is too long :F:/trabajos/2016//proyecto_unreal_2/RealisticRendering/RealisticRendering/Content/GTFreeMaterials/Textures/wood_JFfantasyWoodPlanksNailedClean/wood_JFfantasyWoodPlanksNailedClean_2k_mask.uasset

acabo de solucionar el problema , puedes dar el problema por resuelto

You need to lower the amount of characters in the filepath, try to abbreviate some of them.

pedroarazola , me puedes decir como solucionaste el problema porque me pasa lo mismo