Can't change email/notify preferences on site

I’ve been trying to change my email preferences for the past two days, and keep getting this error message. I would like to stop getting spammed.

“An Internal error has occurred and we are sorry for the inconvenience.
We are doing our best to fix the problem as soon as possible.”

Hi Morkath.

Our web vendor is working on an update that should fix this error message from occurring. In the meantime, exactly what settings are you trying to change? We should be able to set them for you.


Hi Stephen,

I am trying to disable;
“A question in my area of expertise is posted”


I believe this issue may be fixed now. Can you check and see if you are able to change your settings? (we haven’t changed your settings yet, but we can if the problem isn’t fixed).

I was able to change the setting and save it without an error message, so seems to be fixed. I will post back if I am still getting emails.


Excellent! Glad it worked.

I am getting the same error now when trying to disable the A question in my area of expertise is posted notification (or any other I tried).

Thanks for letting us know. I’ll reach out to get the local fix applied to your account.

Hey @Wurmloch83, your account should be fixed now. Please try to update your settings.

Jep, it worked now, many thanks!

Hi there, I too am getting this error message when I try to update my email settings. I would like to stop receiving the “A new question you may be able to answer was posted” emails which come through very frequently.

Hi Jamie.

I’ll reach out to get the fix applied to your account. I’ll let you know when done.


Same here

gheist, I have reached out regarding your account too.

Hi Stephen,

I’m still getting the error messages (and the emails), but thanks for providing me with an update.

I have managed to update my email preferences now - thanks again Stephen!

Yes, @jamiewhitephd and @project.gheist

Our web vendor has responded to let us know they fixed your accounts this afternoon. You should be able to update your settings now.

I have also managed to change my preferences, thank you Stephen.

now I can’t disable this great feature “internal error”

Hi @6r0m.

Apologies for the delay, but our web vendor has just confirmed that your account should be fixed now.
