Instanced material sizes in pak file is now bigger?

I think this is a bug…

I just updated my project from 4.13 to 4.14. And after re-packing everything my instanced material sizes are extremely bigger than previous ones.

4.13 cook is 26 mb
4.14 cook is 74 mb !!! nearly three times the old version

When I check a single pak file with UnrealPak tool, this is what I’m seeing:

This is what it used to be…

I think I found the culprit in this matter.

When I upgraded from 4.13 to 4.14, it seems that Android “Support OpenGL ES3.1” is automatically selected.
As now there are two different types of frameworks, materials were cooked for both.

I disabled ES3.1 and my pak files returned to their normal sizes.