How to get character root capsule rotation

In my game I orient the root character capsule’s up vector to point towards the worlds center (0,0,0). I’ve been changing the character Movement Component around and I’m trying to get the CharacterOwner->CapsuleComponent->UpVector() which should be pointing towards the center of the world along the capsule’s upvector. In game I can see the capsule rotated correctly but my code isn’t effecting it correctly. I’m trying to replace the physics falling velocity and jump velocity to be oriented to the character capsule’s up vector. So far I’m only getting a success by using the Kismet math Look At Rotation to get the rotation.Vector() between the character location and the 0,0,0 vector of the world. This works and my character jumps up along this vector and also falls back along it. Because there are many other changes I’m trying to make about the velocities of the character movement I need to have something that updates with the characters movement so I figured I would just use the Root Character Capsule’s up/ foward/ right vectors. But the up vector doesn’t seem to actually update with what I’m seeing the character capsule do in game.

The reason the character capsule wasn’t rotating is because in the Character.cpp There are three options for the pitch yaw and roll of the capsule. Only Yaw is set to True by default because it’s oriented around Z is up logic and there isn’t a need to rotate the capsule along the other two axis’s unless your game doesn’t stay in Z is up logic. Setting the other two to True will allow the rotation of the capsule in the editor.