How do I use a mixamo animation for the UE4 SK_Mannequin?

So basically I want to get some animations from and put them onto my Mannequin, this has been a problem because when I import the Mannequin into mixamo and preview it in an animation it looks fine but as soon an I import it and watch the animation in the UE4 engine the animation isn’t playing correctly at all, I want to do the opposite of this documentation example:

so basically use the swat players animations for the mannequin.
Any help will be thankful.

Watch this tutorial series (there are more parts just before, and just after). It explains how to re-target and share animations across different skeletons (including those from Mixamo characters on the default Mannequin).

Thanks man

Thanks a bunch !

Hello, Terribilis studio has published a free tool to import mixamo animations directly on the UE4 skeleton it’s automatic easy and fast!