Beginoverlap cast to enemy not working

so apparently my enemy isnt being casted to when its overlapping my character. I have no idea why this is not working at all. At first I thought I couldnt access the enemies custom events through the player but now I cant even access enemy variables through overlap event casting.

Is this a glitch or am I not casting to my enemy right?

Thanks in advance!

Most likely, the “enemy” character doesn’t have a Collision component with Overlap set for the type of collision the trigger-object has.

My enemy already has collision, the overlap event does play when my enemy hits me however it wont cast to the enemy. The enemy can still be destroyed when it triggers the overlap but I wont cast so that I can edit its stats.

Not sure what you mean by it not Casting.

I’ll make an example real quick and upload so you can see what I’m saying.

like for example when the enemy overlapped the players collision component it would cast to the target enemy that overlapped then call its custom event, however my problem is the enemy wont get cast like how I did it above so that his custom event would play.

In the cast fails execution path add some prints that print the names associated to it.