OnComponentBeginOverlap Warning, but it works

Hi all!

I’m in the 4.14 VR Blueprint in the Motion Controller map trying to test something out that I can put in my game. All I want to do is be able to pick up an object, and have that object disappear when I move it into another object.

In this level, “Test-PlaceObject” is the object I’m picking up, and I want it to disappear when it collides/overlaps with “Test-SM_Door_Blueprint”. I’ve spent hours upon hours Googling and trying all sorts of different functions, events, and nodes in my Blueprints trying to get this work, but nothing has worked up until now. Using the configuration in the screenshot attached, I’m finally able to have it do what I want to do… however, it’s giving me a “Warning” message.

Should I be worried about this, or can I ignore it since I finally got it to do what I wanted?

Thanks in advance for any help!

If Test-PlaceObject is an actor - you should cast it from “other actor”(i.e. the actor different from the one that is firing the event, that overlapped with it). Also you should connect cast result with target on destroy actor node. For how it looks on your pic, it would be test-SM_door who ends up being destroyed.

That helped, thank you!