How to increase vehicles traction to ground?


I started a project using the vehicle sample project. I increased the cars speed a lot and now it loses ground traction in sharp curves and rolls over which would make sense in reality but I want it to always stick to the ground. Is there any setting or way to increase the cars traction to the road?

lowering the center of gravity did the job! Thank you so much :slight_smile:

I’m not sure, but I think you could also use an AddForce in the vehicle blueprint, scaled to increase with vehicle speed, to simulate downforce at higher speeds. There’s a rather esoteric and small discussion of this in the forum here for a different purpose, but it seems like it could apply to downforce simulation. I have a feeling it may lead to bizarre launching of the vehicle in certain circumstances.

Another approach is to look at the tyre type settings. I believe there is a friction setting in there affecting the grip.