ADB Is Not Recognized as a Command

I’m trying to get a logcat from my program on my android device. However, when checking for my device, I realized that adb didn’t work as a command. I assumed this was because I didn’t have an android sdk installed properly- or something along those lines. So, I went into the unreal engine files and reinstalled the codeworks. I did that twice- I’m not sure if that’s what I was supposed to do (I’m rather green to this, if you couldn’t tell). What am I doing wrong? Is there more information that I need to give you?

Thank you.


Could you show me screenshots of where exactly you’re getting stuck at? Make sure that you’ve ‘trusted’ your device with your computer. Can you upload a screenshot of your Android SDK settings that are in the engine? Are you not seeing your device show up in Monitor.bat?

Thank you!

Hello ,

I’m using command prompt to get a log. I found that I needed an android SDK to do the “abd” command, and I tried reinstalling it using the one that was given with Unreal Engine (or at least I think that’s what that thing is under AndroidWorks). I found a temporary solution by putting in:

set ANDROID_PLATFORM_TOOLS=“C://android-sdk-windows/platform-tools”
set ANDROID_TOOLS=“C://android-sdk-windows/tools”

Every time. So I do have the SDK on my computer. Though it resets when I close cmd prompt.

Anyways, is this screenshot what you wanted?


I suggest running through the entire [Android Quickstart][1] and completing all the steps (but use Java 8). From your screenshot I can see at least one step you have not completed.

I went into my Command Prompt properties and changed the ‘start in’ to: C:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools

Also, follow the documentation that provided, it will walk you through setting up the rest of your SDKConfig. You need to do the following (in order):

  • C://android-sdk-windows
  • C://android-ndk-r12b
  • C://apache-ant-1.8.2
  • C://jdk1.8.0_77
  • matchndk
  • android-19

You cannot have the SDK set higher than the NDK, that causes all sorts of errors.

Let me know if this helps. :slight_smile: