Errors with Packaged Build That are absent in Editor

I’m Ibrahim. I have been working on an action-rpg title called Adrayvia for more than a year, and upon packaging the game there are some errors that occur in the packaged build that do not occur in the editor.

The first error: There are 9 characters available for selection. Once you select a character and a map, the level is loaded and the player should be able to run around the map with or without drawing his weapon. However, only one of the characters works correctly this way. The rest of the 8 do not run or move from their spawned spot and instead just rotate in the chosen direction of movement. Upon drawing a weapon though, the characters are able to run around, but upon holstering the weapon, they are stuck in the same position and only rotate again. Testing this out in the engine’s editor, all the characters work fine and can run around with no problems.

The second error: There are UI notifications that show up on the screen when certain events occur, such as parrying successfully or attempting to launch a special technique. The widgets are made up of both text and a border. Again, within the editor, these notifications show up as designed. However, in the packaged build, only the borders show up - the actual notification text is absent. I have changed the font to the default Roboto the engine comes with as well, but the text still doesn’t show up in the packaged build.

The third error: The Health bars of the characters do not display accurate percentages of health in the packaged build, but they work fine in the editor. When a character takes damage, it should be reflected immediately in its health bar, but this isn’t the case in the packaged build. It’s more like the health bar only reflects the damage taken at random intervals, and even then it is not even reflecting how much damage was actually taken. For instance, if a character takes 50 damage and the health bar should drop 75% of it’s max value, it only drops to about 90% or so. It’s totally erratic in the packaged build, but works normally in the editor.

These errors are quite impossible for me to debug in the editor, because they do not occur in the editor. Everything works fine in the editor. But the packaged build has these errors. I need help with these please.

Here’s a OneDrive link to a 24 sec video showing everything I’ve described above working fine in the editor (7.79 MB):!Av13Y2UmXSTQkWH-9EgBV8gCdKbZ

Here’s a OneDrive link to a 28 sec video showing all three errors described above in the packaged build (9.06 MB):!Av13Y2UmXSTQkWIr3qNUl-wf-Uv5

Here’s a OneDrive link to the output log of the packaging process:!Av13Y2UmXSTQkV2cemmKBFLaRjaN

Please, help me figure this out.
Thank you.

Hello Maxx_Rexx,

I have a few questions for you that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.

Quick questions:

  1. Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
  2. If so, could you provide a detailed list of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?
  3. Could you provide screen shots of any blueprints/widgets/settings that may be involved?
  4. What platform are you currently packaging for?

Hey Rudy,

  • As for reproduction, I’m not entirely sure I understand what you mean. I don’t know the causes of these errors, as they do not occur in the editor, so I don’t know how to produce or reproduce the errors. Migrating the active project files to a new project and packaging the new project did not solve the problem, and the issues persist.
  • I’m packaging for 4.14.

I’m not sure which files are affected exactly, but I’ll try to get some screenshots of those I think are.


To answer your questions about reproduction. I meant, can you distill these issues down into a minimal state that still reproduces the issue? This will help narrow down where this issue is occurring. For example you could look through to see how you are producing the text that is not showing up. You could then try and recreate a simple version in a clean project to see if it can be reproduced. This will help narrow down possible causes for this issue and will provide a good starting point for determining what issue it is that you are experiencing.

When you are testing in the editor, do these issues occur in stand alone?

Hi Rudy,

No, the errors do not occur in the standalone player of the editor. I’ve figured out and solved error 1. There was a variable that controlled the walk speeds of the characters at runtime.

Errors 2 and 3 still persist. I did a lot of tests, and found both are dependent on variables being transmitted from a component I added to the character blueprint, called the RPG component. For example, for the notifications, the text that should display is gotten from the RPG component, and then sent to the widget parent, which then calls a function in the widget child to display the text. Also, the health variables are also gotten from and set in the RPG component.

If the problem is being able to retrieve variables from the RPG component correctly at runtime, I’m not sure why that would be a problem, as it clearly works in the editor. But at least I suppose I’ve narrowed it down to the RPG component. Next, I’ll try to get these variables from somewhere else and see if that works.


I am happy to hear that you were able to narrow down and resolve one of your issues. As far as the others go. Now that you have narrowed things down could you provide steps to reproduce this issue on our end or perhaps provide a zipped down copy of a project that exhibits this issue?

Hello Maxx_Rexx,

We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will follow up.
