[Crash][Critical] Editor no longer loads most blueprints, crash on load

My colleague can as from this morning no longer open most of the blueprints in our game (any of them that reference the player in any way it seems). No levels work either as they reference the blueprints. All leads to instant crash on load.

This worked 100% fine yesterday evening. No files or any changes were done to that PC overnight.

We have tried:

  • Remove Saved folder to reset.

  • We tried turning off CompileOnLoad for blueprints via the ini but did not help

  • We copied our Blueprint folder from my pc to the other. It works on mine. The same folder does not work on the other PC. Even if one of the Blueprints got corrupted, surely copying it from my PC should work fine?

  • We copied over the entire project folder from my PC, on which everything works perfect. Then it works. so perhaps it references something beyond blueprint that does not work? But nothing was changed to the PC and it worked the day before?

    [2014.01.21-10.05.54:461][802]LogWindows:Error: appError called: Invalid BufferCount=0 while reading …/…/…/…/…/Solus/Content/Blueprints/Game/SolusPlayer.uasset. Pos=3379078, Size=3379078, PrecacheSize=2147483647, PrecacheOffset=3379078
    [2014.01.21-10.05.54:461][802]LogWindows:Error: Windows GetLastError: The operation completed successfully. (0)


    [2014.01.21-10.05.55:198][802]LogWindows: === Critical error: ===
    Unhandled Exception: 0x00000001

    [2014.01.21-10.05.55:199][802]LogWindows: Invalid BufferCount=0 while reading …/…/…/…/…/Solus/Content/Blueprints/Game/SolusPlayer.uasset. Pos=3379078, Size=3379078, PrecacheSize=2147483647, PrecacheOffset=3379078

The PC is a normal Win7 64 bit home edition PC. Medium to high end hardware. It is new and has little software installed on it. Log has system details.

Log attached.link text

We restored a previous version, redid the script changes done yesterday, saved. And the editor crashes again. So we reproduced this now. Something we do in the BP kills it.

We are now doing it a third time trying to narrow it down.

We can’t narrow it down, anything seems to drive it over the edge.

Maximum size?

I had another thread on this here: https://rocket.unrealengine.com/questions/13308/bug-blueprint-script-exceeded-bytecode-length-limi.html

However that one didn’t compile, this one just corrupts it and crashes.

We are placing as much as we can in functions. The crash occur when we add something to our existing functions. Just adding a lot of prints even does it.

I am not sure how to proceed. We need the functionality we have in there, but Blueprint seems unable to handle the amount of work we do with it?

To follow up further. ANY change done to this BP now leads to a crash. Deleting things → Save → crash. Adding a Print that is not even connected → save → crash. Deleting the offending function → save → crash.

So basically we cannot modify the BP in any way or it will stop working.

We have absolutely no idea anymore how to proceed at this point. Everything we’ve done in the past six months depends on that Blueprint.

Does just opening up and saving the blueprint cause the crash? How about if you change a default value or something non-graph related?

Looking into this now, but to my knowledge, we haven’t seen anything like this before. But, we’ve never had a blueprint that big before. Will keep you posted.

And to confirm, this is still only happening on ONE computer, correct?


I sent a mail to Confidential. Got a simple test project up where this happens.

Changing a default value also leads to a crash. Any change and resave basically kills it.

It does not crash until you restart the editor. So yesterday we worked on it all day and didn’t notice it until we opened it up this morning.

This now happens on both PCs. I moved the Blueprint over to mine to make a test case for you, and can confirm it crashes in the exact same way on my PC. It is not the PC or such in any case.

Attached is the project file used but minus the offending blueprint!. Email does not allow me to send through certain files. Combine this project with the zip sent to Confidential…


link text

hi there,

i was taking a look at this - it seems like the myproject.zip contains a native class called MyProjectCharacter, but the offending Blueprint asset in the other .zip sent via email is based on a different ACharacter subclass that isn’t defined in MyProject. i can reproduce the issue if i don’t recompile the .DLL using the MyProject source, but if i generate projects and recompile the DLL then i lose the definition of the original parent class and can no longer load the offending Blueprint asset as a result. did you happen to have a test case Blueprint that is based on MyProjectCharacter?

thanks! -phil.

Hi, Yeah I tried to make the example as small as possible and wasn’t sure how to easily move it over to another project without my code following along. Since any change crashes the blueprint it is hard to reparent it.
I can send you the source code files for the code that was actually used in the player if that would help?

hi, yeah if you don’t mind sending that as well to the confidential email, it may help to facilitate tracking this down, since as you noted it’s a difficult situation to reproduce otherwise =)

i did try to “simulate” it with a test class of the same name, but i wasn’t able to reproduce it with just a placeholder in there.

thanks much! -phil.

Hi, I will just attach it here since we barely have any code.

link text

Attached is the code we used to compile that DLL. Project name is different as you notice. Should do otherwise. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks!

thanks! i was able to reproduce this issue using the code you provided, i’ll report back once i have more information.


Are you able to create a new blueprint, create a child from that and then split the existing work between them?

Due to problems I have had with timelines crashing the editor ( link text ), I have taken to doing this if the blueprint begins to get more complicated.

Seems the timeline components don’t like to be deleted and/or have issues being attached to the blueprint.


hi there,

there appears to be an issue related to enum array variables that is causing this to occur in some Blueprints. we are looking into that, but in the meantime as a workaround, try removing the ItemTypesAllowed array variable in your Player Blueprint and replacing the input into the Single Line Trace for Objects node in the EventGraph with a “Byte to Enum EObjectTypeQuery” node. to do that, select the “ObjectTypes” input pin and click and drag, then release to select and place it. change the byte value to match the index of the enum you want, then connect the return value to the “ObjectTypes” input (a Make Array node should then be automatically created). you can add additional inputs as needed. you will also need to be sure to compile before saving.

i was able to reload the Player Blueprint after making changes using this workaround and then compiling before saving (making sure all enum array variables were removed), let me know if this doesn’t work for you. again this is intended to be a temporary workaround pending a fix in a future release. unfortunately it’s a bit of an inconvenience, but hopefully this at least will allow you to continue working for now. let me know if it does not work.

thanks! -phil.

Hi, thanks!

I am unable to locate Byte to Enum EObjectTypeQuery or anything like it though. Both in the right click menu, list on the right, and by dragging from various related pins. New engine addition?

We’ve had that array in there for months also, do you have any idea why it failed now? Bit scary.

oh, right you’re correct Byte to Enum is not available in this release. my apologies - but actually instead, just drag off and create a “Make Array” node, then you can change the input pin(s) drop-down in the Make Array node to the enum(s) that you need. the key is making sure that the ‘ItemTypesAllowed’ variable is removed from the Blueprint itself, not just the graph, so you’ll want to delete that from the My Blueprint panel before recompiling and saving, and then it should no longer crash.

enum array variables are occasionally (not always) failing to load in this release after being saved due to a dependency issue that can cause them not to be fully loaded back in before being used, which can lead to an unstable state and potentially result in a crash as is happening here. in future releases it should be fixed.

Got it, thanks so much for the help!

Hi Sjoerd,

I have made a report for the issue and assigned this post to our engineers to investigate.

This issue is caused by one specific Blueprint, correct? Would you be willing to share that Blueprint with us?


Yes it is a specific BP. I’d be happy to send it over if we can do this via email instead perhaps?

You might need my entire BP folder setup tho, as the BP calls on various things.


Email will be fine. Please send a zip file with all necessary files to:

