Help with vector math please

Lately I am working on a automated cover generation project for the AI in my game.
As for now it works fine with unrotated meshes, but if I want to rotate them, I can’t get the locations of the four lower corners of a mesh. This is because I use the GetLocalBounds function, and use the X and Y values to calculate the other corners, but of course this will not work this way with rotation because the X or Y values will not be the same as any other corner.

I hope you understand this, ask me if something is not entirely clear.

So my question is: how do I get all (or only the lower) corners of a mesh, (this only has to be the box extend of the mesh though) no matter how the mesh is rotated and/or scaled.
I work both in c++ and BP, so if you know the answer it doesnt matter in what ‘language’.

I think I have answered my questionnaire in my answered, nut I don’t know hoe to implement it.
Thanks in advance

I think I have a solution, but I just don’t know the vector math to do it. I want to get the box extend from the lower corners, I can do that for two diagonal corners. Then if I could find the middle of these two vectors and rotate the vectors 90 degrees around that middle point I should have all the four lower corners of the boxextend.

It would be very much apreciated if anyone could explain how I could do this.

I guess add the vectors together, devide by 2, but then?