Can't launch successfully packaged game

Really need some help on this. I am in a major time crunch and continue to get this error.

Using 4.14.1 - I tested packaging the 1st person map and was able to successfully package and launch the exe.

Successfully packaged my project.

Verified the version of the engine. Then went into the project folder and deleted the Intermediate and Saved folders from my project and waited for the verification to finish. Then repackaged the project. Still get this crash on play.

Assertion failed: ResolutionValueStrings.Num() > 0 [File:D:\Build++UE4+Release-4.14+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Scalability.cpp] [Line: 354]












Hello CSandeman,

From looking at the callstack, it seems like it’s related to your resolution settings with one of the values not being set correctly. Can you check that all of your resolution settings as well as checking your .ini files such as DefaultGame.ini? Also, are you setting the resolution at runtime at all?

If this doesn’t help, have you made any edits to the template or does this also happen if you just create a fresh project based off this template?

Not particularly, I was mainly trying to cover as many possible problems as I could, it could’ve been getting set incorrectly at runtime in some way that caused it.

Not particularly to be honest. I’ve never seen that crash before so without working to narrow down what could be causing it, I wouldn’t know where to start suggesting fixes. As it could’ve been related to an ini file, this may be helpful at least:

Thanks for the response Matthew. Updating to 4.14.2 seemed to fix the issue. Should I be setting the resolution at runtime in the future?

Gotcha. Is there anything in the docs that you could point me so I can learn a little bit more about this so it doesnt happen again?