Motion controller orientation and position Oculus

Is there any way to get the orientation and position of the motion controllers NOT using the motion controller component?

I’m having a hell of a time trying to replicate motion controller movements. I was able to sorta get it working ok in the VIVE by not using the motion controller components, but instead just setting the hands to the location based on the hardware tracking. This seems to be a SteamVR specific item though. Is there a way to get the location and orientation of oculus controllers the same way?


If you start with the vr-template and use the motioncontroller map, you’ll find your motioncontroller objects in the event graph. I use this for the oculus rift motioncontrollers. I know this isn’t what you asked but I think it will help you to the solution.

(I’m using UE4.18)

If your talking about replicating the position of motion controllers in multiplayer. I had this issue once it caused way too much hassle for a simple fix. I dont have solution in front of me, but it was something to do with getting updating the transform of the motion controllers in the event tick. I feel like I had to get the absolute transform of the controller and replicate like an event