360 Screenshot using view modes?

Hey guys, I’ve been researching most of the morning for ways to kick out 360 screenshots from the editor utilizing view modes.

What we’d like to do is render out a few 360s from a single camera within the editor, and composite them together in a creative way. We would like to have wireframe, unlit, lit, and detail lighting captures if possible. The only problem, is no matter what way I try to get a screen grab, it defaults to lit view.

It’d be amazing if we could just override the existing 360 screenshot plugin, but I have no idea if that’s even possible.

Is there anything we can do to achieve these screengrabs (aside from rendering several screenshots out individually and stitching them together into panoramas

Hey Brad,

By 360 Screenshot plugin, you mean the Nvidia Ansel Photography Plugin, correct? There are some settings in the Ansel Console Variable Reference, but I’m not sure if the Auto PostProcess setting might be affecting things or not. This code was taken from the following two pull requests (need to login with a GitHub account linked to your Epic Games account, or the links will just show 404 errors):

Ansel/Photography system #2817
Ansel plugin fixes for master #2855

Since Nvidia makes both the Ansel tool and the Plugin, they’d probably be the best people to ask, but all of the code for the plugin is in the Engine\Plugins\Runtime\Nvidia\Ansel\Source\Ansel directory, so if you’d like to extend it or modify what it does, feel free to change the code. Let me know if you can’t find a way to make it work with the View Modes you’re looking for, and I can reassign this question to nvidia support to see if they have any advice for you. Or, if you look closely on those pull requests the author from Nvidia’s email address is listed, so you might try emailing him directly and see if you have any luck that way.


Thanks for your response, Joe!

I was actually referring to the Stereo Panoramic Movie Capture plugin by Kite & Lightning in the above post; however, this gives me something new to try out! I’ll give this a look over when time permits!

Thanks again!