Can't Set 'AutoWrapText' in a UTextBlock in C++

Currently there is no way to tell text to auto-wrap in a Text Block from C++.

Obviously this is quite limiting, especially if you’re creating text blocks dynamically in a user widget (which we’re doing for our credits list). Can we please have an accessor for this which sets the value to true or false. Right now we have to create a custom text block and add just that accessor.

This also applies to any other runtime flags on UMG widgets that are protected and have no accessor functions.

Polite Bump, same problem here in 4.15.

bump, it is not comfortable (need overriding)

Yup, still an issue in current engine versions.

I’m using 4.16.1 and this works fine:

.Font(FSlateFontInfo(FPaths::EngineContentDir() / TEXT("Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf"), 14))

Maybe I am missing something regarding the issue you are all having?

4.16, still not accessible …

That’s STextBlock (Slate Version), not UTextBlock (UMG Version)

Tasty bacon-butty bump. Lot’s of UMG properties are still protected with no accessors for C++…

4.18.3 Stiil no accessors for C++ ?

Class UTextLayoutWidget.

    /** True if we're wrapping text automatically based on the computed horizontal space for this widget. */
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category=Wrapping)
	bool AutoWrapText;