[bug] Reimport static mesh crashes engine

  1. Create new blank project
  2. Import static mesh from 3dsmax without any material assigned
  3. Create material slot for static mesh (since there is none)
  4. Assign any material and save everything
  5. Click reimport on static mesh
  6. Engine crashes
  7. Profit

Also crashes if material in 3ds max was assigned at start

This should be fixed in the latest update, 4.14.3

I did it in 4.14.3

forwarded to a dev.

Hi Xukapy,

I have reproduced the issue and logged a JIRA for it here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-40510)

You can track the report’s status as the issue is reviewed by our development staff.

Currently to work around this issue you will need to import your meshes with a material already assigned. The reason I think this is occurring is because as of 4.14.2 an asset imported without a material won’t get any material slots. If you add a material slot, then save, and reimport at any point after that you will get the crash.

In 4.14.1 a material slot would get added automatically with the default grid material on import. That prevents the crash from occurring when you reimport the asset as a result.

I hope that information helps!


This is still a problem in Version: 5.0.3-20979098+++UE5+Release-5.0

I was struggling for weeks to figure out why UE was crashing on .fbx reimport. It turned out that I had to import textures whenever I reimport. I really don’t want to import textures, but if that’s what I have to do to prevent a crash, then so be it.