How can I detect touch in HUD hitboxes

I am trying to detect touch input using hitboxs but not able to make them work.


virtual void ReceiveHitBoxClick(const FName BoxName) OVERRIDE;


        void AMyProjectHUD::DrawHUD()
    VDrawTile(FireTex, ((Center.X - (128 * 0.5)) + (Center.X*0.75)),
    		((Center.Y - (128 * 0.5f)) - (Center.Y*0.12)), EFireIconSize, EFireIconSize, FColor(255, 255, 255, 255));
    	FVector2D HBPos = FVector2D(((Center.X - (128 * 0.5)) + (Center.X*0.75)),
    		((Center.Y - (128 * 0.5f)) - (Center.Y*0.12)));
    	FVector2D HBSize = FVector2D(EFireIconSize, EFireIconSize);

VDrawTile is an inline function that calls DrawTile.

No click is tested when i test it in the mobile preview in ue4.

any solution on this?