Please check if there's a bug or something is changed

I’m using UE 4.14.3 and following 5 - Extending the Pickup Class

My BatteryPickup didn’t fall down after i compile and hit play. Please check and update it and tell me if there’s bug or something is changed

Can you post what you are doing with the Battery Pickup class? Maybe you forgot to enable simulate physics or to wake on start? It’s difficult to say what the issue could be based on what you have provided.

Hi i’m sorry for late responding.
here you go please help me to check it

i did the same thing exactly until video
8 - Setting Timers for Spawning

i have no other problem except the battery isn’t falling

Are you using a Blueprint version of the ABatteryPickup class in the world?

Yes i’m. i’ve done the same things in the video
Would you please help me to check? If UE change some code or i’m really did wrong

Can you open the Blueprint that you’re using that has ABatteryPickup as the parent and then in the settings for it, make sure Mesh is set to Simulate Physics by making sure the checkbox is checked?

i deleted my project and follow the tutorial again now it’s working fine thank you.