Creating Car Modulator

Hey everyone! I’m new to these forums so sorry if this question has already been answered. I’m working on a school project and I’m trying to create a car modifier so users can swap out rims, hoods, spoilers, etc. I have a pretty good model I’m happy with an a bunch of parts made for it, however I have no idea where to start in creating an interface or blueprint that will allow you to click on a different part and it will swap it on the mesh. I just need some ideas and where to begin to get the ball rolling. Any idea are greatly appreciated!

Go through the docs and some tutorials for how blueprints work:

Then you can override the ActorOnClicked function in your blueprints to do something like “spawn the next option right here and then destroy myself” or however you want to make it work.


Thank you! I’ll look into that! If I get stumped, I’ll let you know.

Did you get a way around it? If yes, can you please point me to an article or tutorial of how to do this? Thanks