bloom or reflections are broken in highres screenshots

hey guys. did you ever recognize the post process mismatch of clipboard screenshots and unreals highres screenshots?
if so, what is causing this and do you know how to prevent it?


the bloom of the highres screen freaks out. but it seems that this only happens with reflections. so perhaps it is not really the bloom that is broken here, but the reflections are broken in the highres screenshot tool?

This is probably expected, due to nature of how HighResScreenShot works.

thank you deathrey, but this did not help me too much.
i found the answer in the facebook group:
highres screenshot is not capable of rendering with TemporalAA.
it will render with FXAA. if this AA method is set inside of the project settings, then the “artifacts” can be seen realtime ingame.
so it is advised to set the project to FXAA and then adjust the bloom settings and/or reflections settings to have this bright bloom avoided.
then your highres shots will work


Can’t you just turn off AA entirely for the HD screenshots since you’re going to super sample the pixels anyway?

this would need image size reduction (downsampling) afterwards. sure you can do this, but perhaps you want to have real highres pictures.
also this would not prevent from seeing the above described effect of small bloom dots. they would still remain since they are a direct result of very bright pixels which are not “blurred” away with FXAA or in your case no AA.
temporal AA blurs them away.

very ncie and i search thes pic . Thankx sir
aftter long time saw this pice