IOS packaging fails because UE4 adds extended attributes

During the packaging phase, I get this error:

resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed

Which I found out after looking it up, means that extended attributes are added to the .app, and are now not allowed for security reasons.

As a last ditch effort I tried to run xattr to remove all the extended attributes and hope that UE4 doesn’t add them back when packaging again, but it did.

How can I prevent UE4 from adding in extended attributes or otherwise prevent it from failing?

Hi ,

At what point during packaging for iOS are you getting this error? Please list repro steps in order for us to recreate the issue on our end.



I’ve attached the build log with the error occurring. Currently as a workaround I run xattr -c on the .app file while the build is occurring and it works.

The build is Development. Let me know if you need any other information.

Hi ,

This is the result of Apple changing its security policies as noted in this article

UE4 does not modify any extended properties. This is likely due to there being one or more files with extended attributes in your project somewhere, which UE4 will copy to the final app during the build process with whatever attributes they have set intact (except read-only which UE4 may modify, but that is not “extended”). When signing attempts to do so against the staging files, it will fail as you see here.

Can you verify that none of your project’s files contain extended attributes? You can identify which files are causing the conflict with ‘$ xattr -lr path_to_app_bundle’



Ah I see, thank you.

Come on. This wasn’t happening to me until recently. Now, I have to delete the following:


I haven’t narrowed down which folder has the issue, but deleting those gets it to package again. I am needing to do that each and every time I package.

Obviously, it is a file that UE4 or Xcode is creating… Each and every time.

Any clue which one it is?

That was supposed to say…


Apparently, it doesn’t like my carriage returns…

Although the others seem to work…

I’m facing this exact issue too. Has anyone had any luck figuring this out? No matter what I do, the .app file gets some xattr added to it, and I just can’t get it to launch on the device