How do i do an action in character blueprint when seen (using pawn sensing) by an AI?

I am relatively new to blueprints but I want to have it that when the AI sees the player character this changes the scale of the sphere component attached to the player character and when not seen it shrinks back to normal size.

is the code firing at all?

Yeah, the code on both works but i cant find a way to connect them together so that only when the player is seen by AI pawn sensing that the sphere gets bigger

The way you have it right now the sphere should be forever expanding. As for the AI, you don’t want their movement in there. You want to make a behavior tree, and when the AI sees the player, set a variable and tell him to move. You are also using two move nodes, but one only has a destination, which means one is literally pointless. This also as no effect of increasing your sphere size. I took a screen shot of a increasing sphere size. If the AI sees the “tree” in my case there is a collision sphere which expands while been seeing on a timer when the AI sees the tree he cast to him setting his “IsSeen” Bool to true and here is the screenshot of inside the tree