C++ can anyone help with the below error

int main()
float x, y, z;
float result;

printf("\nEnter first names : \n");
scanf_s("%f", &x);
printf("\nEnter second number : \n");
scanf_s("%f", &y);
printf("\nEnter third number : \n");
scanf_s("%f", &z);

result = x + y*x;

printf("\nThe answer to x+y*x is %f.", result);
result = x / y*z
printf("\nThe answer to x/(y*z) is %f.", result);
result = (x + y)*z;
printf("\nThe answer to x+y*z) is %f.", result);
result = -y*z + x;
printf("\nThe answer to -y*z+x is %f.", result);

1>------ Build started: Project: Win32Project1, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1> Source.cpp
1>c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 14.0\vc\include\sal.h(2361): error C2144: syntax error: ‘int’ should be preceded by ‘;’
1>c:\users\chris\documents\visual studio 2015\projects\win32project1\win32project1\source.cpp(4): error C2447: ‘{’: missing function header (old-style formal list?)
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

Line 11 seems to be missing a semicolon and I’m not sure about the #include right after “int main()”