Why is there a reflection of my rotation tool?

I’ve had this for a while since a couple of patches ago where all of my tools would work fine, but the rotation tool creates a reflection of itself as seen in the image. In darker environments it can be blinding as it darkens the overall view and forces me to sometimes work in unlit mode. Is this some sort of feature I can disable?
I’ve played with the material settings and some of the lighting settings too,but the problem still persists.
At the same time, is there a way to disable the I assume bloom (?) that darkens your vision in the view port when facing towards a light source or high reflection material.

Thanks :slight_smile:


Hi Fakado,

Looking into this issue I was not able to reproduce the brightness/emissive nature that you’ve got in the image. However, I did notice that of the three transform widgets (Rotation, Scaler, and Placement) the rotation is the only one to reflect in the environment.

I am submitting a bug report to look at this issue as this tool shouldn’t affect the environment as it is here.

I am curious though as to how you got it so bright. Are you using any post processes in your level? If so, does removing them or disabling them get rid of the Emissive nature of the widget?

Thank you!


Hey, thanks for the response. This is at that point just a default new level with walls enclosing the area + a point light with no settings changed on it. The brightness of the tool has been like that since day 1 of me getting UE4 I believe. Hardware is up to date so I don’t think it’s that.
On much less reflective materials however, the reflectiveness of the rotation tool becomes less noticeable. However, the emissive-ness of the tool is still blinding as it also darkens my screen when looking towards it, same as any other emmisive things such as pointlight, materials and the sun.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Also, it seems that when I make a new level it is fine, but when I encase an area in walls and add a light inside, the problem is recreated. I made a hollow cube, added a pointlight and deleted the default directional light source and my rotation tool has become emmisive again. I think it has something to do with lighting in general as spotlight recreates same problem as point light.
I could skype screenshare to recreate problem if it would help.

Hi Fakado,

No need for the skype screenshare. I was able to get the emissive rotation widget.

I’m not sure when this issue will be addressed, but you can get rid of the bloom by going into the ‘Show’ drop down in the viewport > Post Processing > Uncheck ‘Bloom’. This will immediately get rid of the bloom in the viewport. This will still be in your game by default unless you use a Post Process Volume that disables it so you don’t have to worry about it affecting your game when you play in the editor or launch a window.

Editing adding this option: While looking at the toggles if you disable the “Eye Adaptation” this will turn that emissivness completely off.

I’m going to mark this as resolved for tracking purposes. Once the bug has been addressed I’ll come back and post an update here.

Thank you!


Thankyou! :slight_smile: