Refactoring C++ backing blueprints to a module

I’ve refactored some classes I’ve created to a module to make it easier to install the classes in multiple projects. The only issue I’ve run into is it breaks all of the blueprints. So, I’ve gone ahead and pulled the original implementation back in to the project, so I can reparent. Though, now I’m left with ambiguous errors when I try to compile the project, since all the classes have the same name, though different API macros. I would put everything in a namespace, but I’ve read UHT doesn’t support namespaces.

Which options are available for me to get this to compile, and allow updating my blueprint baseclasses to the new path? If I just move the files to a new path there isn’t the ability to change the available path after the fact.

This is what initially worked when I wasn’t trying to debug the engine:



[2017.01.15-17.41.48:597][  0]LogUObjectHash:Error: Ambiguous search, could be Class /Script/DialogueSystem.BaseDialogue or Class /Script/Dialogues.BaseDialogue

So, I got the engine to recognize where the new base classes are when running without debugging, but I can’t get the engine to detect the new base classes while debugging.