Playing audio at a location in the level sequencer

Hi all !

I think this is an easy question, but when adding audio tracks to a level sequencer it seems to play the audio direct to the player. Ideally I would like an emitter in the world to play the audio from a specific location.

I am making an object that slides down a mountain and smashed through stuff, so we need the audio to come from the impacts on the object location, not directly on the player.

I could do this with broadcasting events and then play audio from the emitters placed in the world, but it seems a shame to have all this outside of the level sequencer.

Any advise would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.

You might want to look into Sound Attenuation: Sound Attenuation | Unreal Engine Documentation

Thanks for the reply, but this is part of the issue. Where in the Level sequencer audio track do you assign an emitter ?

Does anyone know the answer to this?

Any solution to this yet? Having an audio track from the sequencer played from a location?

Any solution to this yet? Having an audio track from the sequencer played from a location?

I’m trying to do the same thing in a VR game where I can’t set off localized sound cues from a Matinee. Baffling.

Apparently you have to drag the audio cue in while having the seq actor selected. It’ll add the audio as a child of that actor and will then respect its position:

This is really great as long as you don’t need to set a precise location.

You can also convert an ambient sound to a spawnable object and spawn it in the moment the sound should play.
If the sound has to follow something, you can set up the attachment inside sequencer.

So pretty much the following:

  • Drag ambient sound directly in the
  • Position it or set up attachment
  • Key spawned by default to false and then to true at the moment the sound should be played - you can turn it to false again once the sound is finished

This way, there is no need to use an event track and trigger some blueprint and you can really specify exact locations. Also your scene stays clean as the audio component is only present when actually playing the sound.