Possible to Trigger Animation Asset by Calling/ Setting it from another Class Blueprint (not Level BP)?

Hey guys,

So, I know that you can trigger animations and animation sequences from the LEVEL blueprint but I was wondering if it was possible to trigger the same animations (e.g. on a third person pawn that is not controlled by the player), via a character CLASS First Person blueprint.

I’ve simply used the Level blueprint to do this for now but am curious if there were actually some nodes in the blueprint that I am simply not aware of that could achieve the same effect, except in a character/ class blueprint instead.

Thanks in advance!

hey :),

I worked on a blueprint for a character that is not the player character and made it switch animation assets (!!! the skeletal mesh does not have an animation blueprint!!!)

In the player controller bp at the event begin play i set the reference to the character you want to communicate with.
I build the controls for switching the assets in the controller blueprint, and then through the reference call custom events in the character bp.

In this character bp theres an editable array of animation sequences that contain all the animation one wants to switch to. Next from the custom event i used the “switch on int” node to scroll through the anim array, promoting the integer input from the switch node to a variable being the “anim index”, then on every call of the event the anim index is incremented and then the animation is set, getting an animation from the anim array on the anim index.

Hope i understood your question right, hope it helps :slight_smile:


Thanks for the help! I will try out your method.
In the meantime, thought I’d just update my post and mention that I had solved it indirectly (and got myself to accept fate, LOL) - using the level blueprint instead.

I’ll try to implement your suggestion and see how that goes. Thank you. :slight_smile: