4.14.3 Bug with scale when importing from FBX file

UE 4.14.3

For some skeletal meshes we need to increase size in 50-60 times.
Work with very small skeletal mesh in Unreal is very hard. Joints are huge.

So to increase size we can change scale in FBX file (example in May) or when importing
from FBX in UE4 change parameter “Import Uniform Scale”. Result will be the same.

Mesh Looks normal but when you try to rotate any joint for example by 100 degrees it will be rotate only by 2 degrees.
And when you try to “Duplicate Anim Assets and Retarget” it will be mess. But for the same skeletal mesh with scale 1 it works normal.

To reproduce this bug.

  1. Open clean version of Shooter Game.

  2. Save HeroTPP skeletal Mesh like FBX File. (Character/HeroTPP right click On HeroTPP and select AssectAction/Export and save )

  3. Create new folder

  4. Import skeletal mesh from saved file with “Import Uniform Scale = 60”. (a) In new folder click Import select saved FBX file. (b) In menu uncheck “Import Material” and “Import Texture”. (With this engine will be crashed). (c)Select Import Uniform Scale = 60

  5. Now open new meshes and try to rotate any joint. Now you can see rotation bug .

  6. Try to “Duplicate Anim Assets and Retarget” any animation from Animation/TTP_Animations.

Hey NikolayE,

I tested this out and also found an existing jira ticket that is fixed as of 4.15. You can find it here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-15388)