Planar Reflection not rendering in 4.14

I use the Planar Reflection to render an animation

In the camera viewport,i can see the Planar Reflection and the reflection in plane,but when i select the Camera, the small window don’t show the Planar Reflection ,and i use sequence or matinee render the camera,the result is only ball no Planar Reflection.

I chick Play,also only ball no Planar Reflection.

Who knows how to solve it?

Hi YoungSun3d,

The reflection plane is just a visualization for the editor and not for the level itself. You need to have a static mesh with a reflective material that the Planar Reflection plane lines up with to get good results. You can follow the steps in our documentation here to see an example of this: Planar Reflections in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
