How to use simple cable dynamics?


Does anyone have any pointers for simple cable dynamics or is working on something like a cable dynamics system in unreal engine?

I’m no coder, but for visualisation and proof of concept test I would like to try and see if I can turn Unreal Engine into a usefull “dyamic” playground.

Any help, examples would be really great.


I saw in a twitch stream or two ago that one of the devs created a cable/rope system that links points together with those points reacting to physics individually.

I am not sure when that might be ready for official release.

I have wondered though if you could create a skeleton with ragdoll that emulates the same thing. I don’t know if there is a limit to the number of bones you can give a skeleton or how you can play with their individual physics, but I am not sure how many options you have apart from digging into the source.

This is basicly the same method used by a script I use in unity, It would be a good start to at least get this example going myself and see from there.

I found the cable plug in… trying to work from there.