Error Unknown Error

Hello I’m having an error in packaging and I do not understand what it can be. Attached log for review.
I have packaged another project correctly, the error is only in this one. I use windows 10, ue4 4.14.3 and packaged in developer mode. Thank text

Looks like something is trying to add the same key to a Tmap twice.

Hello ,

From looking up other reports of the actual error in your log which is “Ya se agreg� un elemento con la misma clave” and translates to “An item with the same key has already been added”, it seems that this may be related to something not being deleted correctly. Can you try clearing your Saved and Intermediates folders? If you’re in a code project, you’ll also need to generate your project files again, but otherwise you can go ahead and reopen the project and try packaging again.

I do not know, I do not understand

I have deleted the textures and have incorporated them again. I have deleted the levels even and I have done it since 0. I checked the windows folder in case there was something strange but everything is correct. Could you orient me where I have to look?link text

You don’t need to delete your textures or maps, you only need to delete the Intermediates and Saved folders. Those are the two folders indicated in this picture:


After that, try opening your project again and packaging your project.

Oh thanks. I did not understand. Anyway I have already created a new project and I have migrated everything and now it works. The next time I think of it, I’ll prove your method. Thanks again.