How to export/import particle systems to ue4


I just have created a nice particle system in blender and I’d like to export it to ue4. but I don’t know as which file I should save it ? can anyone help pls.

Short answer: you cant.

Long answer, bake out a contact/sprite/sub uv sheet of it and use that.

random example: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums
just replace whatever is done in afterfx to whatever you do in blender.

And if i have a animation like this: Blender Problem - YouTube
it doesnt work either?

unfortunately, it doesnt work…ue4 does support particle systems outside engine…but there are 1 way u can do this…just follow this tuts:Blender to Unreal basics 012 - Vertex animation - YouTube