Combining Animation States and Layer Blend Per Bone


What I’m trying to accomplish is having my character, who uses a weapon in each hand, switch each weapon independently of the other, and at the same time. Let me elaborate the set up so far.

I have an idle_walk_run blend space. Each hand has a key assigned to make the weapon in that hand switch. When that corresponding key is pressed it transitions to one of two animation states: Switching Left Hand, and Switching Right Hand. Within each of these States is a Layer Blend Per Bone. From the shoulder down, I mix a changing weapon animation with the idle_walk_Run blend space. When weapon change animation finishes, it returns to the blend space and can now switch either hand again.

The problem is, I can only change one hand’s weapon at a time. The weapon change animation is about 1 second, and during that time it may be required to change the other hand’s weapon as well.

How would I combine the two, without overriding one or the other?

Attached are a couple screenshots that may aid in visualization. If I need elaborate further please let me know. Alternatively, if you have an idea for a better approach all together I would love to hear it.

Thank you.