Touch interface not showing in iOS 4.15 P1

Dear Unreal Engine,

I’ve encountered a problem when launching my project to iOS. Successfully package and launched, but touch interface is not showing up. It was okay in 4.14.3. I checked project settings all is same, “Always show touch interface” is off as well, same as in 4.14.3. IF i turn on the “Always Show Touch Interface”, package and launch, it show the touch interface this time. Please advise.


  • Is this happening only in 4.15 Preview 1?
  • What type of project, blueprint or c++?
  • Are you launching from a Windows or a Mac machine?
  • What type of device are you pushing the project to?
  • Are you referring to the joy sticks in our templates?

Looking forward to hearing back from you, thanks!

Dear ,

  • yes only in 4.15 P1
  • Blueprint
  • Launching from window
  • IOS iPhone 7 Plus
  • Yes the touch interface joystick

Thank you for this information. I am currently investigating the issue at this time. I have been working on 2 devices, the and iPhone 6s plus and they’re both crashing on launch, which I am investigating. I have yet to verify this issue but I will reply back once I have.


Noted with thanks. As I encountered crash sometimes as well upon crash in 4.15 P1

So I have been able to test this on 4.15 Preview 2 and I have verified that the joysticks are showing up on the screen and they’re usable. Can you verify that you’re no longer having this problem?


Hi! yes in 4.15 P2 is showing up. Thanks!

You’re very welcome!