Is there any way to get reference to player in object blueprint?

In my inventory system i have a blueprint class “ItemBehavior” that has parent class of an object(not actor like usual). This blueprint holds every information about the item: how many you have these in your inventory, their attributes, how they behave when you use them etc. But the problem is that i can’t get reference to the player character using “GetPlayerCharacter” node in blueprints that inherit from object class. I don’t want to store reference to player in a variable in every item, I just want want to get the needed data and that’s it.
Maybe I should use actor instead of object to do this ? Any thoughts ?

I guess you could have a static function anywhere in your c++ code that returns the first PlayerController for you.

For example, in your header file you could have the following:

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, BlueprintPure, Category = "Player Character")
static ACharacter* GetPlayerCharacter();

ACharacter* AMyClass::GetPlayerCharacter()
	APlayerController* PC = GEngine->GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController();
	if (PC == nullptr)
		return nullptr;

	return Cast<ACharacter>(PC->GetControlledPawn());

This would give you a blueprint node callable anywhere:


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