Create metadata about level

Hello everyone,

I am trying to save some data about a map when it is saved. This data should be accessible from an actor if he has the name of a level. What I tried was a custom Editor Module that creates a usasset file whenever the map is saved, like this:

void FCustomEditorModule::StartupModule()
     FEditorDelegates::PreSaveWorld.AddRaw(this, &FCustomEditorModule::OnMapSaved);

void FCustomEditorModule::OnMapSaved(uint32 SaveFlags, UWorld* World)
     FString FileName;
	 FPaths::GetPath(World->GetPathName()).Split("Game/", NULL, &FileName);
     FileName = FPaths::Combine(FPaths::GameContentDir(), FileName, World->GetName() + "_meta.uasset");

     UPackage* DataPackage = CreatePackage(NULL, TEXT("/Test/MetaPackage"));
     UdtLevelData* LevelData = NewObject<UdtLevelData>(DataPackage);
     LevelData->SomeVar = 10;

     UPackage::SavePackage(DataPackage, LevelData, RF_Standalone, *FileName);

The uasset gets created but it does not appear in the content browser. Also, I don’t know how an actor would be able to read this data in-game. Then another issue is how to handle name changes/moving of maps. Any ideas?