Why don't my packaging works?

I’ve got a problem when I try to cook my project.
The cooking stop and return me an Unknown Error.
Here is the Output Log:
output log

In the output log there is this line:
PackagingResults:Warning: Warning Warning Unable to find package for cooking /Game/ThirdPersonBP/Blueprints/ThirdPersonGameMode

This is normal because i’ve deleted the ThirdPersonBP folder and the ThirdPersonGameMode is in an other folder now…

I don’t understand anyhting … I’ve searched on internet but i’ve found nothing.

Any help would be appreciated !
Thank you.

Hello Nijiden,

Whenever you have a packaging failure, the first thing to do is to open up your log, press Ctrl+F and search for the word “Error” and/or “Warning”. This should let you see what all of the errors are and give you something you can try to search for.

From looking at your log, there are multiple instances of an ensure happening which is what is causing this to fail. Here is the ensure:

MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: Ensure condition failed: !bUseRawDataOnly [File:D:\Build\++UE4+Release-4.12+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Animation\AnimSequence.cpp] [Line: 325]

From looking this ensure message up, I’ve found that this is caused by having Animation assets that do not have a skeleton set. Can you check your animations to be sure that they all have a skeleton assigned? This also applies to any animations you have in your project that you may not be using.

Oh yes, that was the problem !
I’ve deleted a folder that contained the animations of the precedent skeleton, and it works !
Thank you so much !