How to detect Oculus Touches

I wondering if thereany method to verify if Oculus Touches(Motion controllers) connected or not.

Idea is to provide different gameplay which is depend on hardware availability,
but seems it only possible through direct communication to Oculus SDK.

It seems possible to verify orientation of the motion controller(it would not be zero if controllers available) but it doens`t seems convenient approach.

thank you!

Same request for me !!!
Any ideas ?

You can try to use “GetNumOfTrackingSensors”

Another way is to make blueprint function library in c++.

#include “HeadMountedDisplay.h”

UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = VR)
static bool IsUsingMotionController();

Hey, this worked out for me! Thank you.

what if your motion controllers are out of battery?

maybe there is a way to request battery status?