Simple move failed for AIController


I have a simple blueprint that when the character enters the pawns view it should walk towards the character. I have a navmesh in my scene but I can’t seem to get the enemies moving. I am using the top down template and it has the following warning whenever it attempts “Simple move failed for AIController”.

AIMovement result is failed.

Please see image of blueprint

Kind Regards

Where are you calling this event? For AI you should use the Behavior tree.

May also be caused by your character (the one that has to move) not being on the ground–it has to be grounded inside your navmesh for that node to work.

AI move can fail this way if AI pawn is controlled by physics (falling, ragdolled, etc), controlled by matinee or using root motion animation.



Old issue but I think the right answer has still not been given: AI commands require a UMovementComponent to move the target pawn. The Pawn class doesn’t have one by default. Simply adding a UFloatingPawnMovement component to your Pawn sub-class should fix the issue.