My Capsule Component is falling through my map, can I move it up on the Z axis?

I’m building a RTS and when a building spawns a new unit (inherits from Character ) the unit is halfway through the landscape when he is moving around the world. How can I raise the capsule component? When I select the capsule component there’s no option to set the location vector, only scale.

Should I hard code the static mesh component so it’s Z access is (for example) 300cm on the Z axis so it falls to the landscape? Even if I do this then I think half of the capsule component will be below the landscape.

Here’s an image of my character moving around the map, he’s blurry because he keeps getting stuck on the landscape and halfway through it at times. However, when he stops moving he rises to the top of the landscape as he should all the time.

this is fairly interesting. If you are using a landscape and your characters capsule has collision on he shouldn’t be falling in. You could check to see if you are overlapping the landscape and move him up on the Z a little bit.

I’m uploading a video to Youtube right now and I’ll post the link here afterwards. I’m totally blocked at this point, I just barely started messing around with Character’s and it’s some confusing stuff when you first start out!

the reason you can’t change the capsule’s location is because the capsule is your root componnent in this case, and you can’t change the root component’s position (that’s why it’s called root, because it’s 0,0,0 and the rest of the componnents position is relative to the root’s). You can’t change the capsule position but you can change your character’s position, so instead of trying to put the capsule on 0,0,-100 try to put the character 0,0,100 (it will work the same way), i’m not sure about what’s causing this problem, but take a better look at your collision settings, the actor and the landscape need to block eachother, maybe it’s set to overlap or ignore

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